Thanks to a significant advancement, one can feasibly get results like original hair from a hair transplant. The majority of doctors nowadays implant healthy hair one at a time. This removes the artificial figurine hair appearance that individuals noticed mostly in the 1970s and 1980s. In the early days, Hair plugs were used in the balding region. The hair plugs became extremely obvious with the changing time. Moreover, advancements in the creation of the hairline and placement of the hair in the bald regions further aid in the creation of natural-looking outcomes. You can enquire and learn more about the best hair transplant in Turkey before you go for the treatment.

The specialist you choose has a big impact on the outcome

Even though these improvements provide clients with natural-looking results, the ultimate result is still heavily dependent on the doctor you select. One must select a specialist that is well-versed in hair loss and often conducts hair transplants. Dermatologists specialize in problems harming the skin, hair, and nails, thus they are well-versed in hair loss. Others also conduct hair transplants and also can advise you if you are a suitable prospect for the procedure.

Suitable prospect for Hair Transplant treatment

Both males and females of all ethnicities can benefit from a hair transplant. However, they should keep in mind two things before doing so:

  • They must have sufficient healthy hair on the scalp to be transplanted to the bald region on the scalp.
  • The capacity to grow hair on your balding scalp.

One must figure out whether you possess both the eligibilities at a dermatologist appointment. A dermatologist would do a thorough checkup of the scalp.

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You must be recommended to go for blood-test to check reasons for loss of hair. Further, they might screen for issues that are reasons for losing hair. The doctor might recommend biopsy of the scalp, for some individuals. During the consultation, your dermatologist can swiftly and easily gather what is required for a scalp biopsy.

If the evaluation and testing reveal that you are a suitable prospect for a hair transplant, your dermatologist will be able to inform you what kind of outcomes you may expect. Although an entire mane of hair could be impossible to achieve. However, a larger mane of hair could be the objective for the time being.

How hair transplant procedure is done?

A hair transplant should take between four and eight hours. If you are getting a substantial volume of hair grafting, you might need to return the following day for a few hours. Most patients remain conscious throughout the procedure and require just general anesthesia to numb the scalp. Moreover, several patients administer a light tranquilizer to calm down.

The dermatologist commences the process with the extraction of healthy hair. Then, healthy hair is extracted from your scalp by slicing a piece of skin containing healthy hairs from your head. Another method applied is by extracting hair strands as this brings out a natural-looking finish.

The second strategy is far more time-consuming, but somehow it prevents creating a long, thin scar on your head. This might be advantageous if you favor close-shaved hairdos such as buzz cuts. Specialists must prep the removed hairs before the doctor can transplant them. After that, the doctor must prepare your scalp for transplantation.

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When can patients expect to see the outcomes of their hair transplant?

The majority of people notice benefits in six to nine months following surgery. It might take up to a year for certain individuals. It is critical to understand that the hair that is newly transplanted will fall out between two and eight weeks following the procedure. This is quite natural. During the third month, your hair could appear thinner than it was before the transplant.

Medication might assist you in maintaining the outcomes

To achieve the best outcomes from the hair transplant, your dermatologist may advise you to take hair loss medication. Medication is beneficial as hair loss and thinning might persist even after a hair transplant procedure. New hair loss and thinning can be prevented or slowed with the proper use of medication. One can preserve their natural-looking results for a long period if they take the post-surgery medication properly. To know more, you can visit Turkey Hair Transplants about the hair transplant before you go for the treatment.

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Last Update: April 27, 2022