Prudent investment and performance improvement strategies are essential, especially in times of crisis and cost reduction. In other words, it is no longer just a rational choice but a necessity. Tools are also available to meet these needs, such as team monitoring software.

Regardless of the size of your company or industry, one thing is sure: you want a solution that promotes and increases the productivity of your company’s most valuable asset: your employees.

Below are seven key points to ensure your team tracking software is implemented and used correctly.

What is team monitoring software?

Team monitoring software is a technology product that can track or supervise the activities of an organization’s employees, allowing them to better plan their time to improve their productivity, among other things.

It also allows managers to understand better the projects under development and the time spent on them and evaluate employees more fairly. In this sense, the use of the tool must be natural from the team’s point of view so that it is not perceived as an invasion of privacy or a lack of confidence in the quality of work.

To justify the implementation of the tool and ensure that the team also perceives it as an ally, managers should focus on a few simple steps

1. Explain the rules of control

The first thing to mention about team monitoring is confidentiality. Don’t be surprised if an employee’s first impression upon hearing this term is that they are part of some sort of corporate BB.

Of course, using team monitoring software isn’t spying. Still, to ensure that its use doesn’t lead to disputes or misunderstandings – in other words, that it’s effective not only from a technical standpoint but also from a team compliance standpoint – supervisors need to clarify the rules of monitoring upfront.

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Here are a few.

  • List and describe the program times that will be used. This also applies to approved websites.
  • Create a ranking list of websites visited.
  • Record idle time.
  • Monitor staff performance in real-time, for example.

2. Reasons for implementation

According to our reasoning, nothing contributes more to the diffusion of a new product than the reasons for its introduction.

This requires evidence and concrete data (e.g., photos, slides, charts) to demonstrate that the introduced software will be beneficial for the whole company. The introduction will provide a transparent, objective, and correct image of the employees’ work, which will make them more valuable. In addition, you will be able to identify and reduce downtime and better structure your workflow.

3. Realize the benefits

As you’ve already seen, team monitoring software means a significant increase in productivity and forms the basis for a transparent and healthy relationship between managers and employees.

But how do you convince your team? If you’re savvy, you should not only list the benefits of the tool but also present success stories with concrete, tangible data from other companies that have implemented management tracking software to give your team the credibility it deserves.

4. Consider the possible downsides

Like any other Internet system, no matter how secure, no system is 100% safe from threats. Simple mistakes, such as clicking on a spam link or accessing an unauthorized website, can have serious consequences, facilitating attacks that could compromise sensitive team or company data.

To avoid such problems, companies must develop information security policies and managers must clearly explain to all employees their responsibilities and the penalties for violations and stress the importance of ethics and professionalism.

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5. Enable employee feedback

In organizations, feedback implementation is primarily geared toward personal and professional development. As an innovation, feedback is a meaningful way to learn from each employee’s personal use of the software.

Since every company is different, adjustments may be necessary. Who better to point this out than the users of the tool?

However, it is essential to note that no one can give an accurate and fair evaluation if they are simply reprimanded and not recognized for their achievements. If an employee successfully adapts to a new tool and benefits from using it, they should be recognized.

Feedback systems are usually a two-way relationship, with the employee providing good results and the manager receiving appropriate recognition in return.

6. Be prepared to use new tools

It makes no sense to rent a garage and buy a bus. This rule also applies to the business world. If you’re not ready to implement the tool, there’s no point in using control software to streamline operations and improve productivity.

Before buying any team monitoring software, make sure you know the minimum system requirements for it to work correctly. And it always works at the maximum configuration. You need to verify that the company’s internet network supports the new data transfers. Moreover, the machines are up to date and compatible with the latest tools.

You should also ensure that your employees receive thorough education and training and, if necessary, invest in hands-on workshops conducted in-house by competent experts.

To ensure smooth operations, prepare your company and your team for new technologies.

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7. Choose the right software

There are many team-tracking programs on the market, but there is an ideal software for every type of business and need.

Conduct business analysis to determine what you want from the system, then implement it. Remember, team tracking is to increase employee productivity and value. You will have a highly motivated team and better results if you do this!

How did you find this article? Are you a manager or employee interested in implementing team tracking software in your company? 

Author Bio

Sarah Noah Liam is a 28-year-old Software Management person who enjoys programming, Productivity Monitoring Software, and screen recording. She has a post-graduate degree in Computer science. She was raised in a happy family home with two loving parents.

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Software, Technology,

Last Update: May 15, 2022