Introduction of the Benefits of Light Therapy

How was your day today? Did you spend it, like most of us, hiding from the sun? If you’re not a farmer, a construction worker, a landscape architect, or a tour guide – You did. And looking for Benefits of Light Therapy?

Either at home or the office, you spent most of your day indoors. And if you happened to go outside, you didn’t forget your sunglasses, to “protect” your eyes from the sun. And you didn’t forget to put on sunscreen, to “protect” your skin.

Think you ever consider this routine, which all of us consider “normal” and “healthy since childhood. It could be making you sick.

Everyone talks about the malnutrition epidemic, but no one talks about the illumination epidemic.

We all suffer from light deprivation, and most of us have no clue about its disastrous consequences of it. To our health and emotional well-being.

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The Dangers of Light Deprivation (To our Health and Emotional Well Being)

professional led light therapy machine

Light is one of the critical factors in our health and emotional well-being. Being light-deprived creates major imbalances in our ability to function as healthy, balanced people.

We are like plants. We can’t live and thrive without the sun.

Take a plant, place it indoors, under fluorescent light, and put a few sunglasses on it. And rub it with special plant sunscreen. What would happen to this plant? It’s exactly what’s happening to you.

It’s a well-known fact that in northern European countries. Such as in Norway and Finland, where months of darkness occur every year, and “weird” things happen.

In these countries, a direct correlation finds between decreased exposure to sunlight and higher rates of irritability, fatigue, insomnia, depression, illnesses, alcoholism, and suicide.

Sunlight, our major source and provider of light, warmth, and energy not only sustains all life on earth. But it also sustains the earth itself.

Yet we teach to do everything to avoid the sun. Sunglasses, for example, are one of the worst inventions of all time. (I think I heard a few fashion gurus faint somewhere). Did you know that Vitamin D absorbs not only through the skin but through the eyes?

Unfortunately, your favorite killer pair of mirrored shades ruins any chance of that. Sunscreen is another way to block the absorption of Vitamin D. This is already proven to be the ultimate skin cancer (and all cancers) preventer.

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The sun’s Full spectrum of light affects every single biological function in our body and stimulates every single cell in our body.

It affects our ability to heal from diseases, relieve pain, and regulate our metabolism. Our energy levels and vitality, our mood and mental health – Everything.

Sunlight is pure healing energy.

Our lives, health, and well-being are dependent upon the sun. And modern science is now proving what’s known for centuries. You can heal almost anything with humanity’s oldest friend in the universe – light.

The sunlight’s specific waves can treat dozens of health problems, boost our immunity, and lift our mood and energy – Without drugs and side effects.

Light therapy can replace the entire list of most prescribed medications in the U.S – and can use by yourself, at home, whenever you need it.

I’ll prove it to you here and now.

The 6 Astounding (Proven) Benefits of Light Therapy

red light therapy devices

Sunlight composes of varieties of energies that send to earth in the form of electromagnetic waves.

We can’t see all of these waves, but the visible portion contains all the colors of the rainbow – from violet (the shortest wavelength) to red (with the longest).

The sunlight can be “broken” up into its spectral components (colors) and each component can be used for a specific medical problem.

Modern science has proven that these specific waves can treat dozens of health problems, boost the immunity system, regain energy and vitality, and eliminate chronic pain – All without a single pill.

Bright Light Therapy Proven Benefits

Did you ever notice how light can affect your mood? How do you feel when you’re outside on a sunny day? And how do you feel on a dark, rainy day?

Full-spectrum light has a powerful effect on our energy levels, our sleep schedule, our mood, and our emotional well-being.

SAD and depression

Bright light therapy (10,000 LUX) is now a proven natural treatment for mood disorders, seasonal affective disorder, and even depression.

A few studies have already proven that Serotonin, the brain hormone associated with mood elevation, rises with exposure to bright light and decreases with less sun exposure.

This means that the longer you expose to bright light, the higher levels of Serotonin in your blood and the better your mood will be.

A 2006 double-blind randomized controlled trial compared bright-light therapy head to head with the popular antidepressant Prozac (fluoxetine).

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The study found the 2 treatments EQUALLY effective for SAD and mild depression, and The best SAD Light Boxes find to work faster, with no side effects.

Sleep Disorders

Bright light therapy is the easiest way to fix your sleep schedule and resolve circadian rhythm sleep disorders.

As you know, your body has an internal clock that tells it when it’s time to be awake and when it’s time to be asleep (it controls the circadian rhythms).

This clock (located in your brain, above the area from which nerves travel to your eyes) affects light exposure.

When you have a circadian sleep disorder, you can’t fall asleep when you should, you have trouble waking up and you feel tired all day.

Bright light therapy using to expose your eyes to intense (10,000 LUX), but SAFE amounts of light, at a specific wavelength and specific time.

A good dawn simulator re-sets your “off” body clock and in a few days, your sleep schedule can fix. (It works in the same way for jet lag!) No antidepressants, no sleeping pills, no therapy light.

Red & Infrared Light Therapy Proven Benefits

red light therapy pros and cons

The red light waves are “responsible” for the heat you feel when you’re out in the sun. This heat can penetrate deep into your tissues, boost your blood circulation, and repair and regenerate cell components.

The infrared rays also activate the production of endorphins and block pain-transmitting chemicals. Spending an hour in the sun is one of the best drug-free ways to relieve pain! But what about the UV rays, that can burn your skin?

A few years ago, NASA has stumbled upon an amazing discovery: Red and infrared rays can isolate and used without UV rays.

And since red light rays boost collagen and elastin production – Red light therapy is now a very popular anti-aging tool, proven to prevent and reduce wrinkles and treat all skin ailments.

Pain Relief

Infrared light therapy is a proven natural pain reliever. You can use an at-home infrared light therapy device, point it to any area that causes you pain, and relieve it fast – Without any side effects.

It works for anything from muscle pain, nerve pain, localized inflammation, arthritis, sciatica, herniated discs, fibromyalgia, and the list goes on and on.

No pain killers, no surgeries. Just light.

Reducing Wrinkles

Red light waves proved to regenerate skin cells – Without the expensive (and usually useless) creams, and botox or surgical facelifts.

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Visible red light easily penetrates the dermis and boosts circulation, bringing more blood and nutrients to the area.

It also instigates the release of chemical messengers (cytokines). As more cytokines are produced, collagen-producing cells leap into action.

The Korea National Medical Center found the remarkable ability of red light therapy to boost collagen and elastin production, leading to significant wrinkle reduction and increased skin elasticity.

A recent German study has found that after 9 weeks of daily treatment, participants had a noticeable reduction in wrinkles. The LED red therapy led to rejuvenated, younger-looking, and more resilient skin.

Scar Removal, Redness, Eczema

The power of red light was originally harnessed by NASA, which proved that it helped to heal wounds and burns faster.

Red light boosts circulation and “pushes” healing nutrients to the area. This makes it a proven non-invasive, toxin-free treatment for scars, eczema, acne, rosacea, and redness.

Biologists have found that cells exposed to near-infrared light from LEDs, which is energy just outside the visible range, grow150 to 200 percent faster than cells not stimulated by such light. The light arrays increase energy inside cells which speeds up the healing process.

Blue Light Therapy Proven Benefits

Did you know that blue light rays can effectively destroy acne-causing bacteria? For example, this study has found a significant reduction in acne lesions, blackheads, and whiteheads after self-application of blue light therapy.

And when you combine the bacteria-killing effect of blue light therapy with the anti-inflammation effect of red light therapy. You get a powerful, drug-free complete acne treatment, which you can do at home by yourself – Any time.

No antibiotics, No Benzoyl Peroxide, no crazy cleaning routines. Just light. (By the way, Blue light therapy is so effective at destroying bacteria. That it can even save your life post-surgery, by preventing post-surgery infections!.)


Ever wonder why so many people use the phrase “You light up my life”. Or “I am enlightened”? I think that now you know. Light therapy is the medicine of the future. The different light waves make a powerful natural treatment for just about anything – Without any side effects.

Use red light therapy to rejuvenate your skin – reduce wrinkles, remove scars, redness,
What about you? Did you ever try using light therapy for your health issues? Tell me about it in the comments, o.k.?:)