Anal warts can be referred to as small warts that can easily be present in or around the anus. This is the condition that is also called the condyloma acuminata. These warts are kinds of genital warts. 

Well, in most cases, the warts are not going to cause any kind of discomfort or pain. Although they are still going to become very irritating if they grow large enough that might lead to itching or bleeding.  

If there are no symptoms that will occur, then the people with anal warts may not even have an idea that they have them. 

The anal warts are only going to occur in one spot and they may spread to the different parts of the anus or genitals over time. 

Now that you know some brief about anal warts, now let us discuss the symptoms of anal warts. 

Symptoms of anal warts? 

Well, anal warts can easily be found in and around the area of the anus. They are going to begin as small bumps that are not going to be any bigger as compared to the pin. At the start, they are going to be so small that you can barely notice them. 

As they grow, they are going to develop an appearance like cauliflower. They may be peach colors, yellow, pink, light brown, or might even be going to blend with your skin color. These are often going to appear like you without any kind of pain or discomfort. 

There are other symptoms of anal warts as well such as itching or bleeding but they are very rare. But there are times when it can include itching or bleeding. A person who is suffering from anal warts may also feel like they have a lump in the anal area. 

Warts can occur on any part of the body at the same time when you are suffering from anal warts. Warts can grow on the mouth or the throat of someone who is suffering from HPV. 

When you perform oral sex with a person who has genital warts or deep kiss a person with warts in the throat can also lead to the infection. 


Causes of the anal warts

The anal warts are caused by the HPV which is the short form of human papillomavirus. Well, it is a sexually transmitted disease. Well, in young people the HPV may even go away on its own and will not cause any kinds of symptoms or signs. 

The virus can cause genital warts as well and can linger in the body for a very long time. There are some kinds of genital warts that can also lead to cancer. The HPV is spread from making direct contact with a person through the mouth, penis, anus, or the vagina of the person with the HPV. 

Only intercourse is not necessary to spread the infection as it can get spread by skin-to-skin contact as well. The transmission of warts can occur even if the warts are not visible. 

How to treat anal warts?

Well, the choice of the treatment depends on the number and the location of warts with the patient preference and the treatment provider experience. 

Topical medications:

Well, the treatment with the topical medications may be enough for warts as they are very small and also limited to the outer area of the anus. Well, in this, the prescription medication for anal warts must be used. 

The over-the-counter warts removers are not suggested for the anal of the genital area. You must avoid them for using it on anal warts.

There are some medications that can be used to treat anal warts that are applied by the doctor in the office. Others can easily be applied yourself in the home. 

Surgical options:

The surgical options on the other hand are more effective for warts that are larger and are not responding to any other kinds of treatments or for anal warts that are located inside the anus. The surgical treatment is performed on the basis of the outpatient. 

Well, during this procedure, the surgeon is going to use special tools in order to cut warts. You will be given a kind of local anesthetic. There are at times when spinal or general anesthesia might be needed if the number and the location of the anal warts are extensive.

After having all these kinds of treatment, the people are most uncomfortable for a few days. In order to decrease the discomfort, your doctor is going to prescribe pain medication. 

In conclusion:

Well, do anal warts go away? They are going to go if you opt for the treatments that are mentioned above. Visit your doctor and they are going to diagnose you and then recommend the treatment plan that is the best for you.

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Last Update: May 10, 2022

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