There is a keen interest of business proprietors to value their company and make it distinctive from others. Even in the cheapest company setup, there are legal requirements to authenticate your work and services. Copyright consultant Dubai will ensure the best possible means to protect your ownership rights.

When a copyright is registered, it will remain valid for the lifetime of the owner and remain authentic after sixty years of his death. If the name of the author is not known then the published work will remain protected till sixty years from the date of its publication. If the work is art or graphic or music and its maker is unknown, then this artwork will also remain protected for sixty years from the date of its registration.

Copyright is to have legal ownership of a company or individual on his work. It may be a graphical art, image, written post, or musical rhyme. You will be the sole owner of your work and copyright will protect your right in the following ways.

Copy your work many times

When you have a copyright registration of your work, no one can stop you to use that creative work again and again. You can publish your work whenever and wherever you consider appropriate.

Can generate more similar work

While having a copyright of something, you can make multiple series of work from the original one. For instance; you can make a series of books, novels or you can make a film or drama on your written novel.

Public display of work

As you are the individual owner of the copyrighted work, you will have the authority to display it wherever you want. After copyright registration, you will feel free to show your work publicly as no one can steer it, or in other words, no one has the authority to use it. It may be an artwork, painting, graphic design, or statue.

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Selling copies

As a copyright owner, you can create as many copies of your work as you want. Copyright consultant Dubai will make it easy while mentioning the rules and limitations of copyright. There will be no limitation to selling your work publicly and your work will remain protected with your name.

Infringement of copyright

If the rules of copyright have been broken and there is illegal use of the work without the permission of the owner, then it will be stated as infringement. The use of published work without the consent of the publisher, the use of musical themes without permission of the maker, and the illegal display or exhibition will be considered an infringement.


The sole purpose of copyright registration is to mark the work as registered and not a public property even in the cheapest company setup. Only the owner of the copyright will have the right to use it, make copies of it, and display it. Copyright consultant Dubai will make sure that the owner will have all the right to take legal action in case someone breaks the rules of infringement. In case the copyright holder allows the respective person to use his work or to publish it in the case of publishers, it will not be considered illegal but they should have a written agreement.

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Last Update: March 28, 2022