An apartment’s crawl space is frequently a place that necessitates a significant amount of maintenance. Because dampness and humidity can cause harm inside this space, many households install dehumidifiers in their crawl or underground spaces. On the other hand, the dehumidifier needs to be powerful and hardy to protect the crawl area fully.

Controlling humidity and dampness in a crawl space can be difficult, although it is essential for any house with a basement. Let’s look at how anyone can use a dehumidifier to solve this problem and some other options.

1. Control Humidity in Crawl Spaces

According to the International Residential Code (IRC), all under-floor areas between a property and the floor must be damply regulated, according to the International Residential Code (IRC). It maintains the property’s structure by preventing humidity and moisture damage in the long run. Several people also run wire and switch boxes through their crawl areas. As a result, moisture management is critical. If you are living in a commercial building then commercial air duct and dryer vent cleaning in Suwanee can be good for the dirty ducts and humidity.

Installing a dehumidifier in the crawl space that has specific functions, for this reason, is reliable, and people use it widely for regulating moisture and dampness in a crawl space.

2. Regular Dehumidifiers Are Not Enough For Crawl Spaces

Due to their limited capacities, regular dehumidifiers are not ideal for the crawl space beneath a house. Regular dehumidifiers have a far lower dehumidifying capability than crawl space humidifiers. Crawl space humidifiers offer a substantially higher liquid desiccant efficiency. Some types can remove up to 17 gallons (65 L) of humidity each day from a surface area of around 7000 ft2.

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On the other hand, regular household dehumidifiers can only remove about 2.6 gallons of humidity each day from a standard room.

Regular dehumidifiers are not ideal to use in basement spaces since they will not absorb sufficient humidity to avoid the harm that excessive humidity levels can bring.

3. Normal Dehumidifiers Can’t Handle Crawl Spaces

Manufacturers design ordinary household dehumidifiers to use indoors, in places such as bedrooms, where they are safe from more extreme environmental elements such as intense changes in temperature. As a result, these products aren’t especially tough or suitable for usage in extreme conditions.

Regular dehumidifiers’ structural qualities indicate that environmental changes will permanently ruin them if you utilize them in the harsh environment of a basement or a crawl space for any time.

On the other hand, Manufacturers design industrial or basement space dehumidifiers for continuous usage in the crawl area’s severe environment.

Tough surroundings, waterproofing engineering, hard-wearing electrical and mechanical elements, and much tougher components than the basic plastic of simple dehumidifiers are all features of these appliances.

Professionals make basement area devices to last in severe circumstances for extended periods. Still, a standard dehumidifier will only last for a portion of its specified lifespan in the same circumstances.

4. Continuous Use Of Ordinary Dehumidifiers

Any dehumidifier used in an apartment’s basement space must run continually. The moisture levels in the basement area increase so quickly that you must leave the dehumidifier on inside that area to keep the space dry.

Professionals did not make regular dehumidifiers to use them all the time. Even inside, standard dehumidifiers can’t handle continuous use for extended periods. Most of these gadgets have an automated shut-off feature to prevent potential damage from prolonged use.

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If you use a conventional dehumidifier daily, the parts will start to wear out. On the other hand, manufacturers make crawl space dehumidifiers to perform continually, even in the tough conditions of a basement. These devices’ compressors, motors, electronic parts, and parts of the air handler unit are resilient and robust. They are good enough to endure repeated usage without experiencing harm or wearing out too rapidly.

5. Crawl Space Dehumidifier Requirements

Crawl area dehumidifiers differ from conventional dehumidifiers in several ways. As previously said, these units must be able to resist prolonged use in the crawl area beneath a building. It necessitates them to be extremely durable compared to other dehumidifiers.

Outer covering for these devices must be tough enough to endure the severe climate of the crawl area without rusting, rotting, or failing in any manner. Industrial dehumidifiers must remove a substantial level of moisture from the crawl area each day, at least 9 gallons.

To be as productive as possible, you should be able to fit this equipment easily inside the crawl area and install it in any part of that area. These apartments should include a massive collection container or the capacity to pump the water out of the crawl area. Dehumidifiers of such a type must also have a greater capacity pump and motor and heavy-duty filtration.

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Requirement To Use Dehumidifier Encapsulated Crawl Spaces

Many residents choose to enclose their apartment’s crawl area. It is an effective approach to reducing moisture in a crawl area.

However, an enclosed crawl area is still subject to high moisture levels. Because water is likely to escape from the ground and pool within the encased crawl area. In encased crawl spaces, other difficulties develop, such as the collection of toxic fumes that permeate into the floor from the crawl space.

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Last Update: April 21, 2022